Catholic Life
"Our school has many positive things, so here are a few amazing things about our school. We are a Catholic school, so we have weekly assemblies that show us how to be better in our approach to others. We have Year 5 and 6 chaplains, who share the word of God to each class, including Nursery.
Our teachers work hard to make our lessons fun! They encourage every single child to be the best that they can be . The children at our school try really hard to include others in their work and play, so you will make lots of new friends.
Your child will be well taken care of in this school. I have enjoyed being a buddy to a Reception child this year. The Year 6’s have helped the Reception children settle in.
Thank you for reading this.”
Olivia Y6
100 Years of St Vincent's Parish
Our school community joined in the celebration with the parish of St Vincent de Paul on Wednesday,6th December. Fifty pupils from Years 2 to 6 formed the choir for this very special ‘100-year Anniversary’ Mass. Bishop Alan Williams and Father Joseph complimented the choir on their exemplary reverence and outstanding singing.
Bishop Alan con-celebrated this Mass with 7 priests. It was really good to see so many past pupils from our school, altar serving. Florence and Nathan began their new roles as servers at this special Mass. After the Mass, Bishop Alan, Fr Joseph and the clergy, parishioners and parents assembled in the School Hall for refreshments. Thank you to all the staff, who helped to make this such a wonderful celebration!
Fr Joseph's Ruby Celebration
Fr Joseph celebrated his Ruby (40th) Anniversary of his priestly religious service in India last week. Congratulations on your dedication to Christ and following your calling for 40 Years. May God bless you for your compassion and devoted service!