Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent Statement

St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School provides children with a rich broad and balanced curriculum which is underpinned by our Mission Statement. ‘We welcome, we love, we grow, we learn, together with Jesus.’ 

Our Core Values remain central to the life of our school and are embedded throughout. We want St Vincent’s children to have dignity and self-worth through their experiences of belonging to a loving, caring community.

At St Vincent’s every child is recognised as a unique individual made in God’s image.  Our curriculum is designed with children’s needs at the centre/heart with the aim of ensuring that all pupils make progress. We want all children to enjoy learning, to be successful, confident learners and to have the knowledge and skills to equip them for life beyond the classroom. We want all children to have a range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills.

 St Vincent’s is a multicultural school where we celebrate our richness of diversity. We want our pupils to know about the world they live in, to develop who they are in a respectful and nurturing environment and to understand their rights and responsibilities. We strive to open our pupils eyes to the possibilities open to them, by offering a wide range of enriching opportunities.