‘Friends and Family of St Vincent’s Association’(FFSV)
Our school's PTA is called 'Friends and Family of St Vincent's Association. A PTA is a Parent Teacher Association, an organisation with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn.  brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. 
Money raised is spent on things that the school budget does not cover.
At the AGM held on Wednesday 16th October, Natalie Sicondolfi was voted in as Chair, Brittany Filipe as Vice-Chair and Bobbie Downes as Treasurer. 
Zania Muchai will be leaving the post of Treasurer, as from the end of October. We thank her for her loyal support to the FFSV and wish her well in her new work commitments. 


Wednesday 16/10
9.00-School Hall
Coffee Morning with School Nurse
£1 School uniform sale
FFSV AGM-All parents are welcome. 
AGM will be for all parents to hear about how the FFSV has supported
the St Vincent’s children during this past year.
Wednesday 4/12
Decorate a Christmas bauble or decoration.
Details to follow.
Thursday 5/12
Christmas Disco for Infants and Juniors.
Details to follow.
We need as many parents to support the committee so that FFSV can continue to flourish!
AGM Minutes
Last Years Events
Expenses Report
Expenses Report Continued