You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

Christopher Robin - Winnie the Pooh

PSHE Intent Statement

At St Vincent’s, our PSHE curriculum aims to support children in becoming confident, healthy, responsible and respectful individuals. We teach them about how to establish and develop healthy relationships, and how to keep themselves safe. We support children in gaining an understanding of their own physical, social and cultural development. We ensure that they understand how to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle, including their mental and emotional wellbeing. We teach children about their rights and provide them with responsibilities and opportunities to develop leadership skills. We open the doors to the wider world, both locally and globally, and encourage our children to realise their role in making a positive contribution to society.

PSHE Implementation

We teach discrete lessons to allow for continuity and progression as well as giving opportunities for teacher and self-assessment. Our curriculum is adapted from the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study and follows a thematic approach covering the main themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. It builds on a spiral programme of learning to allow for cross-phase collaboration while different year groups work on similar topics at the same time.

In addition to regular, timetabled lessons, we offer additional opportunities across the curriculum and through enrichment activities. Our School Council, Eco Council, House Captains and Head Boy and Head Girl are elected by the children through a democratic vote each year and take on relevant leadership roles across the school. Children in Year 6 take on a responsibility around the school and are assigned ‘Buddies’ with a child in Reception Class.