School Uniform
Uniform PolicyAll children without exception are expected to wear the correct school uniform, which is a positive way of helping children feel part of our school community.
School Uniform
- Plain white long/short sleeved shirt
- Grey trousers/shorts or grey skirt/pinafore
- Red and white checked dress (in the summer term only)
- Plain red v-necked knitted jumper or cardigan with the school logo (cardigan buttoned to the waist)
- School tie (can only be bought from the school)
- Grey or black ankle socks or plain red, black or grey tights
- Plain black shoes (shoes must be black leather and flat, able to be polished, and below the ankle)
No trainers are permitted.
No boots are permitted (boots may only be worn to and from school in cold weather but pupils must change into shoes in school.
PE Kit
- Red shorts
- Plain White crew neck-shirt (or St Vincent’s PE shirt which can be bought from the school)
- PE bag
- Black plimsolls
- Plain navy or black track suit bottoms (for outdoor activities in cold weather)
Year 3 - Year 6: May bring trainers for outdoor PE (optional). Trainers should be below the ankle. If your child does not have trainers they should wear black plimsolls. Fashion converse shoes and high top trainers are not suitable for PE.
These items to be kept in a named draw string bag in school at all times during the school week
NO colour products in hair (i.e. bleach, dye, highlights or coloured extensions).
Long hair MUST be tied back with simple hair accessories in the school colours red, white, grey or black.
NO extreme hair styles e.g. fashion/celebrity styles; this includes mohicans, over use of gel and patterns shaved in hair or eyebrows. Hair should be conventionally cut, well-groomed, neither too long or too short (number 4 or longer). Hair should not cover the ears, eyes or collar and should be natural in colour and style. Hair should also be cut so that there are no distinguishing lengths between the hair on the top of the head and that on the sides, i.e. no shaved sides or tops.
Jewellery and Accessories
Jewellery must not be worn. Small gold or silver stud earrings are tolerated but children must be able to remove these themselves for PE lessons (Health & Safety regulations). Pupils in Years 3 to 6 may wear a watch, fitted to the wrist. No nail varnish or nail extensions. No tattoo transfers.
All clothing and personal property must be clearly marked with your child’s name. Please check labelling at intervals for fading. Lost property is collected by the school office. Whilst every effort will be made to find lost items of clothing, the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.
Failure to comply with our uniform policy can lead to children losing privileges, missing break time, being stopped from attending off site activities e.g. sports events, swimming lessons, trips. Parents will also be sent a letter reminding them of our uniform policy.
Any decision regarding failure to comply with our uniform code will be left to the discretion of the Headteacher.